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Standalone tools and plugins built and supported by the Paste team.

All of these libraries are first-party; we actively support them and hope they provide you with as much value as they provide us.


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Code editor

A library to display and make changes to large blocks of code. A wrapper around the Monaco editor, which is used to build the popular Visual Studio Code program.


A collection of codemods for maintaining projects built with Paste.

Data Visualization

A library that helps theme Highcharts data visualizations with Paste tokens.

clipboard-copy(link takes you to an external page)

This is a simple wrapper around use-clipboard-copy(link takes you to an external page). We leverage this package to provide our baseline functionality for developers to intuitively interact with the Clipboard API.

SVG-to-React(link takes you to an external page)

SVG-to-React allows users to generate fully-formed and accessible React components from an SVG input. The output will work similarly to the icons provided in Paste. This library was created to allow for self-service when suggesting new Paste icons or when individual product needs differ from Paste. For more information, see our icon guidelines and our how-to docs.

UID library

This is used to generate unique id values throughout React applications. This is most commonly used for mapping form labels to form inputs, or mapping titles for accessibility. This library works when SSR and dynamically importing application code.

VS Code Plugin

Paste's Visual Studio Code Plugin provides a set of tools to help you build with Paste. It includes a set of snippets, a color picker, and a command to generate a new component.